Nondual Satsang Videos with Nirmala
Several More Audio Recordings of Satsang Talks by Nirmala
You can listen for free to recordings of over twenty talks Nirmala gave on Awakening Together in 2017.
Also, Nirmala and his wife, Gina Lake, have recorded several QandA sessions as part of the Weekend Intensives for Christ Consciousness Transmissions that we offer every 5-6 weeks. You are welcome to listen to and/or download the recordings whether or not you attended the sessions.
Finally, you can download a free collection of recorded satsangs from a satsang retreat in Sedona, AZ.
About Nirmala, Advaita Spiritual Teacher
Nirmala offers nondual satsang and mentoring in the Advaita tradition of nondual spiritual teachings. As a spiritual teacher, he has worked with thousands of individuals all over the world to help them open their hearts and awaken to their true nature. He also offers spiritual mentoring, in one-on-one satsang sessions either in person or over the phone. He is the author of several books, including a free spiritual ebook, Living from the Heart. More information about mentoring sessions with Nirmala and samples of his spiritual teachings including the nondual satsang videos on this page are available on this website. You can also view a playlist of all of his satsang videos on Youtube.