Channeled Message from Jesus About the Election
Channeled Message from Jesus About the Election

My wife, Gina Lake, just channeled a message from Jesus regarding this week's election in the US:
This is the one you have known as Jesus the Christ. For those of you concerned about what the election results will mean for the United States and for you, I have a few words to say. First of all, it is important to stay calm and not fall prey to fear and negative speculation. During such a time, it is not helpful to imagine various negative scenarios regarding what may happen. The truth is that you don’t know how this presidency will play out. No one does, not even those in other dimensions. So, don’t imagine that we know what will happen, any more than we were sure who would be elected. We were not sure. It was a very close race, and millions of last-minute choices were made by individuals that determined the particular outcome. We were prepared that this could happen and prepared for what might be needed on our part.
We are sending healing to all who are asking for this, help in releasing the sadness and the anger around this outcome and particularly the fear. It is natural to feel fearful during such a time. Many possible negative actions could take place in your government that could impact your country and your lives. But fear is a dysfunctional response to life events, no matter what the event is and how reasonable a fear might be. So, learning to deal with any fear is important. That is actually not as difficult as it may seem. Fear seems difficult to deal with, but fear is an emotion that follows from a negative belief about the future, and negative beliefs about the future and other negative beliefs come from an unwise and unhelp mind. As I said, it is not helpful to ruminate about negative future possibilities. Doing this is a waste of your energy and time.
When times are difficult or seem difficult, it is all the more important to stay in the present moment. Spiritual practices and meditation are all the more important in difficult times. One other suggestion I will make is to limit the amount of news you take in, especially podcasts and such that are based on opinions and speculation about the future. Your own fears often grow in strength and seem valid when you hear them voiced by others, and the more they are voiced, the more real and true they seem. But those individuals do not know what will happen in the future, and their opinions and guesses will not help them cope with any realities that do manifest.
Take each day at a time—each minute at a time, and you will be able to maintain your vibration and uplift others. Focus on what is positive about your life and your country and its people and find gratitude in small things, and you can get through anything. This is not to say that there will be great trials and tribulations ahead. There may be some, but they are more likely to be collective trials and tribulations and not personal. What is going on in your country will not personally impact most people. Life will go on as usual for the most part, although life always has its twists and turns and surprises.
Another point I’d like to make is that sometimes the pendulum has to swing a little farther in one direction before it corrects itself. Another way to say this is that sometimes people need to get what (or who) they think they want before they learn that they don’t want that. In other words, be careful what you wish for! Half of the country got their wish, and now they will see what that will be like. In a general sense, this is what is going on, so sooner or later there will be a course-correction. The pendulum will continue to swing.
You are learning how a relatively few bad actors can impact the overall cultural climate. You are seeing the effects of rampant negativity and misinformation and lies allowed on social media sites. It is not difficult to conclude that a society cannot hold together or hold together well when such negativity is not held in check. Reforming these sites in ways that discourage or do not allow bad actors to set the tone and manipulate the narrative should be a priority now. It goes without saying that these bad actors are not only fellow Americans but non-Americans who wish to bring America down. Either withdraw from these sites and leave them to the bad actors or reform these sites. This is imperative now.
The other thing I want to address is your media diet. Where are you getting your news and information? Are these real journalists or do they have a political agenda? Is your media diet diverse enough to include other points of view, what other media sources are discussing? How will you determine what to believe and what not to believe? Who do you believe is a reliable source? Many have limited their sources of information and are solely trusting a few sources without questioning them. Just like a good diet includes a variety of foods, a good media diet includes various sources and careful examination of those sources.
This goes for channels as well. However, just because several channels say the same thing doesn’t make it so. There are many channels who are corrupted by the same negative forces. Channeling is a particularly tricky area, even under the best of circumstances. Negative forces on other dimensions are working through many channels and many individuals to bring about the chaos and destruction that they crave in order to enhance their own power.
And finally, I’d like to put a plug in for prayer. Prayer is more powerful than you may realize. Ask us for help. We are always doing our best to guide you and keep you safe, but asking for this will help you stay connected to us and keep your vibration high. And please always remember that the only thing that really matters is love, and no matter what your circumstances are, you are always capable of love and, therefore, of being happy. I am with you always.