Do Your Work, and Then Step Back
Do Your Work, and Then Step Back

Q: For the first time since I started joining the transmissions, I left this evening's talk feeling very unnerved. Jesus' message about what non-physical beings are trying to do for us ( seemed ominous. My interpretation was They are limited in how they can help us because of free will. Do you have any feedback? I am sure you understand the decisions coming out of Washington are playing a part.
A: Given the immense challenge of dealing with the free will of the billions of egos on the planet, I hear you when you say it can seem ominous. However, my favorite definition of the soul is that the soul is simply the sum total of all of our experiences throughout our many incarnations. In that perspective, every experience adds to the richness of our soul, and no experience ever detracts from or diminishes our soul. And as Jesus often points out, the difficult experiences and even difficult lifetimes can be the most growthful from the soul's perspective. Life can be seen as a kind of school or even a game. And the really good news is that what you truly are cannot be harmed:
One of the biggest lessons in life is acceptance. But there are also endless opportunities to explore what is the right action in the face of life's difficulties. Acceptance does not mean passive inaction, but an attitude of deep and overarching acceptance keeps our own ego in check and allows us to more easily sense what are truly the best actions we can take in life. The results are not really in our control, but our own attitude and actions always are. The Tao Te Ching had something to say about this:
Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill.
Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt.
Chase after money and security and your heart will never unclench.
Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner.
Do your work, then step back.
The only path to serenity.
Stepping back means recognising and accepting that the ultimate results are not up to you...but they are up to the intelligence behind all life, which certainly knows it can never be harmed.
And do not underestimate the help that is always available from higher dimensions. When it comes to the deepest truths and opportunities for your soul's growth, the help of ascended masters, angels and guides is valuable and helpful beyond measure, as Jesus explained in Gina's book, Angels, Masters and Guides ( There is no need for despair when they are on your team!
I hope this is helpful.