Is Consciousness One or Many?
Is Consciousness One or Many?

I got a question in an email today:
Q: Can Consciousness be called by names like Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness etc.? Is it correct to make such distinctions?
A: Ultimately, all there is is one consciousness. But it is also possible to make distinctions within the one consciousness of different expressions and dimensions of that one thing.
It is similar to how all light is electromagnetic radiation, but at different wavelengths, you can have blue light, red light, infrared, ultraviolet and even x-rays and microwaves. They are all the same thing (light) and yet also different in their expression or flavor.
And just as you can get very specific and make a distinction between say a pure blue and a slightly more green blue, or between all of the millions of different colors, we can also make distinctions between say your consciousness and Nirmala consciousness. They are not separate or even ultimately different, but there is still a unique "color" or flavor in every individual expression of consciousness
Or we can distinguish larger categories of light, such as "visible light" that contains all of the colors we can see. Similarly, we can refer to Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, God Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness. These are very large categories of consciousness indeed!
PS: You might enjoy this piece I wrote about our Christ Consciousness Transmissions:
What Christ Consciousness Transmission Is and Is Not
I hope this answers your question, and if not, please feel free to write back for more clarification.