Listen to Q&A Sessions with Nirmala and Gina
Listen to Q&A Sessions with Nirmala and Gina

Here are links to the past recordings of the Q&A sessions we have been offering about once a month as part of our online weekend intensives for Christ Consciousness Transmissions. Please feel free to listen to and/or download the recordings whether or not you attended the sessions. Here are the links in reverse chronological order where you can access past recordings:
Note: If your system does not play m4a files, it is possible to convert an m4a to an mp3 for free on this website: Just download the m4a and then upload it to that converter, and finally download the mp3.
I hope you find these recordings helpful.
FAQ with lots more info about the transmissions.
Note that everyone is welcome to join us for a Christ Consciousness Transmission the first time for FREE (by optional donation after that).
We added the QandA from May 2023 to Youtube also (click on image to watch on Youtube):