The Recipe for Truth
The Recipe for Truth

Please feel free to contact me with email questions or comments that I will address in this blog.
The truth is what opens your Heart and quiets the mind. That is the most important ingredient that lets you know when you are experiencing a greater or more fundamental truth. It is not the only ingredient, but it is a necessary ingredient, and also the most important ingredient. Kind of like chocolate chips in a chocolate cookie recipe; they are not the only ingredient, but without chocolate chips it is not a chocolate chip cookie. And so there are also always other ingredients that make up the truth in any moment: the simple facts of the situation, your knowledge and skills relating to the situation, any insights or intuitions that arise, common sense, and anything else that influences you or the situation.
But unless there is also a softening, opening, expansion or dissolving of boundaries in your Heart, unless there is an opening or expansion of your sense of self in the experience, then it is not an experience of a very large or profound truth. Without this deeper kind of knowing, the facts, theories, details, and even sensations of a particular experience are just thoughts about or small parts of the reality of the experience. They are not very large or meaningful containers of the essence of the situation. They may all be true, just not very true. They are like a chocolate chip cookie with no chips.
But when you add in the "chocolate chips" of a softening and expansion in your Heart, when you touch something that causes a shift in your sense of yourself to a more open and complete experience of your true self, then you have experienced a bigger truth. For example when you are struggling with a practical decision about where to move or whether to take a job, all of the facts and pros and cons do not mean that much unless there is also a resonance or response from deeper within your Being to one of the possibilities. And your Being also knows that ultimately it does not really matter that much where you live or work. And so the realization that it would be fine either way is really the biggest truth of the situation. It would be this realization that would quiet the struggling in your mind and bring this softening and opening to your sense of identity. This can also put the practical question into perspective and make it easier to just make the decision, since there is no longer so much at stake. The Heart is a true guide and teacher and you can trust it.
( You can read more about the Heart's wisdom and ability to know the truth in the free ebook, Living from the Heart.)