What Christ Consciousness Transmission Is and Is Not
What Christ Consciousness Transmission Is and Is Not

I read the following during our Christ Consciousness Transmission (CCT) this week to explain what Christ Consciousness is and how the transmissions work:
We call this Christ Consciousness Transmission, so I wanted to say a little bit about what Christ Consciousness is and is not. Christ Consciousness is a higher dimension or aspect of consciousness. Even though it is called Christ Consciousness, it does not belong to Jesus even though he experienced it in his life on earth very fully, and he continues to experience it very fully now. And in the same sense, it does not belong to anyone here today, although everyone here today has an equal capacity and potential to experience it.
When we say that we are transmitting Christ Consciousness, it really just means that Gina and I, Peter and Jenai, and all of the ascended masters that participate in this gathering (including Jesus, Mother Mary, Yogananda, Anandamayi Ma, and several others) are experiencing this higher consciousness to such a degree that we also act as antenna and transmit it to others. But to some degree, every one of you on this call will experience the same higher consciousness and so you will also naturally and inherently transmit it to others, including your family, friends and acquaintances. And everyone on this call can to varying degrees even embody this dimension of consciousness.
Once you have experienced this Christ Consciousness, then you will also naturally have the ability to connect to it anytime. So you can tap into it during the rest of the week and under any circumstances. Simply by holding the thought of Christ Consciousness, you will to some degree connect to it and experience it.
These gatherings are simply an enhanced opportunity to connect in this way. The 27 ascended masters and others from higher dimensions that assist on these meetings work with each person here individually to provide just what is needed to more fully awaken and heal each of you. They have shared that they literally duplicate themselves to give you exactly and specifically what you need. This can be both a direct transmission of higher consciousness and/or a clearing of any blocks or conditioning that might be limiting your ability to connect with and ultimately embody and live as this higher consciousness.
No one here owns this Christ Consciousness because it is ultimately a fundamental aspect of who and what you are. Do you own awareness? Or do you share it with every other being? It is both your birthright and your unlimited potential to experience Christ Consciousness and to know it as a fundamental part of your true nature, and it is our deepest wish and intention that these gatherings support and enhance your innate ability to experience and live this capacity to its fullest potential.
We offer the CCTs seven times a week at 5:00 pm Pacific time on Tuesdays, 11:00 am Pacific time on Thursdays, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm Pacific time on Saturdays, and also at 9:00 am and 11:00 am Pacific time on Sundays. More info and the Zoom link to join us are here.
We recently received these testimonials from people who have been joining us:
“I have tried at least four or five times to start a letter to thank you for the wonderful Christ transmissions, but I fall short each time as I can never find the appropriate words. I used to just hope I would be able to join you every Sunday, but now it's a weekly priority of mine. It's way better than any other Sunday service I have ever attended. For me, the transmissions give me a great sense of calmness, and I feel I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, and I am learning that peace of mind is no small thing. So, I bow down to you both, and I humbly offer my thanks.” –C.
“I cannot express in words what it is like to see the face of Jesus in the here and now. Something my little Catholic girl self that longed to be a saint would have only imagined would maybe happen in heaven. The palpable light and love that poured through my heart chakra like the sun bursting through clouds was indescribable, and the tears had me sobbing with such a holy love. So humble, so deeply moving. How do I or any other kindred soul here express enough gratitude? Blessings to you and Nirmala for this divine work you have gifted the world with. It feels like the second coming of Christ. And it feels like an opportunity to surrender to the process of awakening to a new way of being.” –K.
“Today I joined your Christ Consciousness Transmission for the first time and was so deeply touched. Everything about it was miraculous, healing, and delightful. What a blessing! The Christ Consciousness energy was both exquisitely sweet and powerful, loving, and encouraging. My soul feels utterly refreshed and bathed in peace and love.” –T.G.
“This afternoon I attended the transmission, and just as Christ said, the transmissions work on subtle levels, and I feel as if enlightenment is closer than I thought. It melted my heart for many moments throughout the transmission and actually pierced the veil, if only for a fleeting moment. I felt the care and generosity of Jesus the Christ, as I perceive Him, showering through both you.” –D. K.